Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Borrowed Bee Bots!

Our school currently has very limited access to digital technology. We are lucky enough to have smartboards or tv screens in most classrooms, and laptops are stored in a central place for classes to share. Most classrooms have one or two iPads to share within the class, but we don't own any of our own robotics. So I was pretty excited when I found out that there is a local Technology in Schools program where you can borrow equipment!

Since our students have had very little exposure to programming, I decided to start with something very simple.  Bee Bots seemed like an obvious choice because they're something that can be easily differentiated for all early-childhood and primary levels.

Students in Years 4-5 explored the concept of sequencing steps and decisions using the Bee Bots. They worked in groups to solve progressively more complex routes, and programmed the Bee Bots to navigate through mazes that other students created with physical objects. They had to plan the path for the Bee Bot using paper grids or mini whiteboards and then test, evaluate and improve the path of the Bee Bot to ensure it avoided the obstacles. Lots of fun and plenty of learning took place!

Floodscapes Community Project

Our students have recently been involved in an amazing collaborative project facilitated by local artist Karen Revie, creative director of...