Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

The Most Magnificent Thing

My Prep (Foundation) students loved this STEM themed library lesson! 

Lesson outcomes
·         Record ideas with a labelled drawing
·         Make a model using different materials
·        Share ideas and creations with others

Lesson Steps

1. Read The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spiers

2. Present Open Ended Challenge – to design and build your most magnificent thing.  If you could make or create anything, what would it be? What could it be used for?

3.  Discuss learning intentions: “We are learning to…”

4. Provide opportunity for students to explore materials available to them.  Brainstorm during whole group the kinds of things they might create.

5. Sketch and label a plan of their ‘most magnificent thing’ as well as a list or drawings of the materials they will need.

6. Choose from a variety of supplied materials to create and build their model.

7. Share their most magnificent things and reflect on learning. 

They were all so proud of their magnificent things!

“When we allow children to experiment, take risks, and play with their own ideas, we give them permission to trust themselves. They begin to see themselves as learners who have good ideas and can transform their own ideas into reality” (Martinez & Stager, 2013, p. 36). 

Australian Curriculum Links:
Design and Technologies: Foundation – Year 2: Generate, develop and record design ideas through describing, drawing and modelling (ACTDEP006)
Arts – Visual Arts: Foundation – Year 2: Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience (ACAVAM108)
General Capabilities - Critical and Creative Thinking: Imagine possibilities and connect ideas

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